Nose & Skin Spray

Relieve chronic conditions:
Chronic Sinusitis
Hay-fever &  Allergies
Blocked nose
Watery & itchy eyes
Headaches and pressure
Swollen glands
Itchy ears 
Lymphatic blockages 
Oedema - 
Fluid build up  
Skin rashes
Itchy skin

Natural Drug free solution
No Harsh Chemicals
No steroids
Does not build up resistance.

Watch this videos to see how this natural & drug free solution works and how it's helped so many people already!

NOW Use this ... totally
Natural Drug free solution

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The results for these clients are subjective and you may find that your results vary based on severity of the issue or your history.

Sprays & Drops

How they work

Water is a great carrier of information.  
It makes sense when you consider that since we are made of 80% water, then using Science to Program water would get amazing healing results.

Natural Drug free solution
No Harsh Chemicals
No Alcohol
No Parabens
No animal testing

Watch this video 
to find out how it works

Scientific Background - EMOTO

Scientific Background - EMOTOEmoto is an author, researcher and photographer who started studying the molecular structure of water in the mid 1990’s.He discovered that water is able to hold memory.  Information including words and emotions can change water’s molecular structure.He took pictures of water which had been subjected to different emotions, and from different locations around the world to show how the molecular structure of water was affected.It is quite amazing how different these water samples are.
As you know “a picture says a thousand words”.  Now you can view the power of words through a picture.It’s fascinating to the think that if we are more than 75 percent water then what must we be creating into existence with our words? - Both GOOD and BAD.Read more... 

Background - Science:

These are structure programmed  treated energized water. 
It's programmed via machines to hold information in relation to various conditions,  so that its molecular structure is changed.
This is not homoeopathic – Homeopathic remedies contain the original substance to be used for treatment which is then diluted normally hundreds of times and shaken each time.

A Picture says a 1000 words

Look  at the amazing molecular structural shapes that water can take when different words are imprinted into it!

These images above are from:  Emoto

These images above are from:  Emoto

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